I was dropping by the vacant home of a friend of mine when I stopped in my booted tracks and noticed a window, a chair and some light that added together to = Balthus tribute alert! All night I had been thinking of which of my own furniture to use to emulate the painter's works such as The Room, Nude with Cat etc - see my blog on Balthus - which I had been gazing at in the last few days with my mouth watering in Cybershot envy, and here was the perfect setting. Even the chair looks like it belongs to Balthus. My leather sofas wouldn't do!
I stripped off to the bone, right down to flinging off my skullhead socks, and, risking anyone walking in and finding me there, I indulged in about twelve ten-second timer dashes with no tripod, balancing my cam on the radiator. Conventionally 'sitting' in the chair wasn't right. It wasn't...Balthus. I needed to bend and writhe and close my eyes and generally appear as a reclining basking subject blissfully unaware of the Sony gaze.
Though I spent much time in Photoshop on these images, tweaking bits and stroking over parts and cloning out some junk, the images were quite remarkable even on the camera viewfinder. I was very excited as I loaded them onto my laptop. All CS2 needed to do was enhance these figurines I had already formed; to bring out the colour of the red chair, exaggerate the light, and shadow out the irrelevant corners to focus in on the main feature.
I had a whole range of possible titles for this image, I went for a nice and descriptive, conventional one in the end, but alternate ones were...
Aniela dreaming
Girl in [re]pose
Girl on chair
Girl on tomato-like chair
Girl barely on chair
Bare girl barely on chair
Girl acting like a ninny
Girl clutches at her chest in time for the 10 second timer
Girl has sex with sunlight beam
Nude dreaming
Nude dreaming of buying some clothes
Nude by window
Nude about to be seen through the window
Nude drama queen
Girl in the nude who is extremely bloody proud of this piece!
This photo has notes. Move your mouse over the photo to see them.
Definition: (adjective) Large in number or quantity (especially of
Synonyms: copious.
Usage: She took voluminous notes during the lecture, and h...
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