Transat 6.50
known also as Mini-Transat
Main Mini Class regatta
played every two years:
...2005, 2007, 2009, 2011...
...This is 30 days single sailor
race on small boats, without
help or connection with dry land...
... 8 000 km through Atlantic,
weather conditions regardless...
... Race to win...
...Race to reach the finish...
...Race to survive...
This is one of the most difficult races on the world. Rules are simple. It is race for everybody. One who sails to the race finish is the winner, one who does it faster than the others..
To join the race competitor has to qualify. It regards sail single 1000 miles in one race without harbours, and next 1000 miles in many races organised in different water areas in Europe. Both qualify parts should be taken on proper prepared yacht. In this races there is no place for mistakes and oversights. Single sailor on six and a half meter yacht in the middle of Atlantic Ocean can't count on technicians help or spare parts delivery. Here all has to be perfectly designed, checked, and proofed ...
In first edition of this race significant event in polish history took place. Polish sailor Kazimierz "Kuba" Jaworski successful start in Mini-Transat. This born in Szczecin sailor took in the competition honourable second place. Since this time Poland haven't got a representative in Mini-Transat, but last years we could see rising interest in this class also in our country. Number of polish sailors thinking about start in this prestige competition is rising. In many places we can find all kinds of arrangements for Mini competitions. Next Mini competition become in 2007. Hope we take place on this field as strong and numerous sailors group.
Definition: (adjective) Large in number or quantity (especially of
Synonyms: copious.
Usage: She took voluminous notes during the lecture, and h...
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