Ona bir kadın vücudunu çirkinleştiren üstüne giyilen şeyler yaptı.



, originally uploaded by soleá.

girl: mjranumstock

, originally uploaded by soleá.

girl: mjranumstock

yıkılan hayaller

yıkılan hayaller, originally uploaded by dilek_irmak.

Pictures of . -   canon Camera

By: Art Lastowski
Copyright ©2007"


By: Roger Skinner
Copyright ©2007"


Pictures of Symmetry/asymmetry-2 -   Canon P Camera

Pictures of Symmetry/asymmetry-2 - Canon P Camera: "Symmetry/asymmetry-2
Image Title: Symmetry/asymmetry-2

By: Jonathan Charles
Copyright ©2008"

Pictures of seasonal variety  -  Nikon D2X Camera

Pictures of seasonal variety - Nikon D2X Camera: "seasonal variety
Image Title: seasonal variety

By: Jonathan Kane
Copyright ©2008"

TuLûAt Blogspot

Sherefudin's White Mosque - Bosna - Zlatko Ugljen - Mimarizm

Sherefudin's White Mosque - Bosna - Zlatko Ugljen - Mimarizm: "Sherefudin's White Mosque - Bosna - Zlatko Ugljen

04.03.2008 /

1980 yılında Bosna Hersek Visoco’da mimar Zlatku ugljen tarafından projelendirilen ve inşa edilen Sherefudin’s White Mosque (Sherefudin Beyaz Cami), 1983 yılında Ağa Han Mimarlık Ödülü’ne layık görüldü. Çağdaş bir İslamiyet anlayışı ve çağdaş bir estetiğin başarısı olan yapı, yalın, abartısız, hatta yer yer derme çatma görüntüsüne rağmen, farklı geometrileri kullanımı ve cami kurgusuna getirdiği yeniliklerle, önemli bir din yapısı örneği."


83.jpg, originally uploaded by Nergis Ermin.

50x79cm. oil on canvas

Darıldın mı Cicim Bana! (Reverse Amazon)

Bu özet kullanılabilir değil. Yayını görüntülemek için lütfen burayı tıklayın.



fischbauch, originally uploaded by Anke Merzbach.

A cup of imaginary voyage (365/171)

tea leaves
tea loves
loves tea
lives tea
leaves tea?
~Uniek Swain

Soft Glow Sarah V



marika, originally uploaded by abless.


, originally uploaded by helenarostunova.



Nightboat, originally uploaded by soleá.


on the edge of the quay
no lights flashing
on the water for me

fog in my mind

darkens in my eyes

silently screaming
for a distant sound

ripple river yellow--

rising for a breath
of breeding and drowns
stillness overcome me
in the night


to the rising water moan

I'm waiting
waiting, for the nightboat
I'm waiting
waiting, for the nightboat

Shadows all through me
shudder away

echo me, echo me...

am I alone,
or is the river alive?
cuz it echoes me, echoes me--

echoes me...

I'm waiting
waiting, for the nightboat
I'm waiting
waiting, for the nightboat........

Duran Duran

Marty & Veronica by R. mapplethorpe

This famous photo doesn't need a description, I guess...


Libertine, originally uploaded by soleá.

It's all right for a woman to be, above all, human. I am a woman first of all.
Anais Nin

the eye in the mirror is the mirror of the eye

as dream



never_trust_love, originally uploaded by Izabael.

XFN Friendly
