Ona bir kadın vücudunu çirkinleştiren üstüne giyilen şeyler yaptı.


Let Me Fish Off Cape St. Mary's

Let Me Fish Off Cape St. Mary's

Take me back to my western boat,
Let me fish off Cape St. Mary's,
Where the hagdowns sail and the foghorns wail
With my friends the Browns and the Clearys
Let me fish off Cape St. Mary's.

Let me feel my dory lift
To the broad Atlantic combers,
Where the tide rips swirl and the wild ducks whirl
Where Old Neptune calls the numbers
'Neath the broad Atlantic combers....

Let me sail up Golden Bay
With my oilskins all a 'streamin'....
From the thunder squall - - when I hauled me trawl
And my old Cape Ann a gleamin'
With my oil skins all a 'streamin'....

Let me view that rugged shore,
Where the beach is all a-glisten
With the Caplin spawn where from dusk to dawn
You bait your trawl and listen
To the undertow a-hissin'.

When I reach that last big shoal
Where the ground swells break asunder,
Where the wild sands roll to the surges toll.
Let me be a man and take it
Where my dory fails to make it.

Take me back to that snug green cove
Where the seas roll up their thunder.
There let me rest in the earth's cool breast
Where the stars shine out their wonder - -
And the seas roll up their thunder.

Written by Otto P. Kelland



, originally uploaded by Alice.Fan.


Himba -Part II - Nomads of Southern Africa

Maternal love

Maternal love, originally uploaded by Marijke-s.


PORTRAITS, originally uploaded by alessandra conti.

Niño Himba

Niño Himba, originally uploaded by felixgarciaaaguera2010.
Niño Himba
Niño tribu de los Himbas en Namibia

Cántara de leche

Cántara de leche, originally uploaded by felixgarciaaaguera2010.
Cántara de leche
Muchacha himba preparando una lecha parecida al yogurt


Quiet afternoon

Quiet afternoon:
water shadows
on the pine bark.

Sessiz bir öğle sonrasında
su gölgeleri
çam kozalağında




Bir tekne evin, bir bisikletin ve bir de scooter ın olucak. Geceleri tekne evinde, bir şişe şarap eşliğinde Ella Fitzgerald ya da Duke Elington çalacaksın. Pencerenden, geçen tekneleri ve ışıklarını siyah-yeşil sulara yansıtan göz alıcı evleri izleyeceksin. Teknelerin içerisindeki onlarca meraklı gözle buluşacaksın ara sıra ve onların bu hallerine tebessüm edeceksin. Boş zamanlarında müzeleri gezeceksin, tiyatroya gideceksin, hiçbir şey düşünmeden bisikletle gezeceksin birbirine paralel sokakları, fotoğraf çekeseksin yüzlerce ve akşam oturup beğenmediklerini sileceksin, "The smallest pub in town" a gidip bir bira içeceksin belki. Böylece maksimum 2 ay yaşadıktan sonra "Tot ziens" "Hoşçakal" diyeceksin. Fazlası sıkar :))))
by Gulchin


rocky spine

rocky spine, originally uploaded by Dear Jennifer.
rocky spine

"I was lost in the lakes

And the shapes that your body makes

That your body makes, that your body makes

That your body makes"

view the entire series here: neurasthenic.net/diary/?p=123


Nude by the sea

Nude by the sea, 1989 
Paper size  : 61x91cm. (24x36")
Image size : 51x63cm. (20x25")
archival pigment ink on cotton rag paper
edition of 10 + 1 AP

Bir buçuk dakikada Türkiye Cumhuriyeti

Van Half Minut Cumhuriyet from mustafa emre on Vimeo.


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