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Mini Transat 2005 Peter Laureyssens
Solo Around The World - Natasza Caban
We and our dreams…

Sometimes, our needs and emotions are so strong, beautiful and courageous that they seem to overwhelm our lives and push us towards the unknown. “We all have a natural right to dream differently.” Almost every one would like to follow one’s “Own Legend”, but not all of us dare to challenge the power of dreams or follow their hidden path. I guess I always had the conviction that it’s the possibility of making our dreams come true makes life so interesting, don’t you agree?
From my personal experience I shall repeat Paulo Coelho’s saying that "The world belongs to people daring to dream and who take the risk to realize their dream, people who try to do it at their best. Remembering that the first obstacle that tries to take away our dreams is Lack of Time, the second is the desire for Certainty, and the third, Inertia."
I’m convinced that if the past doesn’t make us happy we should forget it. We shall invent a new story for our future life and believe in it. We simply can’t avoid failures from time to time and that’s I believe it is far better to fight for my dreams, work to realize them, and take the risk of failing, than to lose my dreams or allow them to fade away.
There are plenty of dreams in my head and I’m strong enough to change them into challenges.

The biggest of them is to solo circumnavigate the world. Why? – you may ask. Why not – I shall answer. Oceans give me the freedom I need and at the same time lead me to new lands and allow me to make new friends. Sailing by myself is not just a challenge of forces of nature but a trial of myself and a quest of human limits. Above all it’s the joy of sharing the experience with people who could never go there on their own. And now you know the answer to the question ‘why?’. I consider myself very lucky because you can’t possibly ask for more – In making my dreams come true, I can also help a few disabled children in creating their own dreams and making them come true. That is why it’s so much worth doing.
After my sailing experience is over I will go forward with a few more projects and I would love to talk about them someday. Today, I hope you’ll stay with me and follow my stories around the world. Cross your fingers for me and Tanasza because it’s not always easy, although it’s certainly always beautiful.
The Race
The ‘Mini Transat’ is a highly demanding, single-handed transatlantic race using the tiny, open 6.5 metre ‘Classe Mini’ racing yachts. Founded in the late 1970’s, the race originally departed from Andrews home port of Penzance, but to date no British sailor has ever sailed over the finnish line in 1st place. It is now hosted by France where, every two years, up to 70 solo sailors head out on the 4000 mile course to Brazil with only a brief stopover in the Canary Islands. Conditions are uncomfortable, even dangerous, sleep is almost non-existent. Combine this with the need to constantly drive the boat on night and day and you have the recipe for a very competitive challenge indeed. It is a challenge that only the best prepared can win.
Many famous sailors have started their careers in this race; one of the most renowned being Britain’s Ellen Macarthur, who has since gone on to successfully race the speed machines ‘Kingfisher’ and ‘B&Q’ ultimately making her the fastest solo skipper in the world… for now
The Light At The End Of The World
The Light At The End Of The World is a project based on a short novel I wrote some times ago. The title is inspired by the My Dying Bride opus, but the story is completely different from the one told in the song, so don't expect angels nor lighthouses. The film has been released the 21st January 2006. Since it is released under Creative Commons Licence, feel free to share it with P2P programs and show it to whoever you want (it would be very helpful to us), but please DO NOT modify any part of it and specially the credits.
The plot tells about the love realtionship between a mother and her child, but I don't want to spoil much more than this. Watch it and give us some feedback at info[ at ]gehennainc.com
Ocean dreams Documentary trailer
Trailer of the 50 min Transat 6.50 Documentary Chasing Ocean Dreams featuring Lucas Schroder in the Transat 6.50 in 2007
Hedy Lamarr
In this scene from Johnny Weissmuller's second feature film, Tarzan and His Mate, Jane goes swimming naked with her jungle lover. The producers got away with this at first due to the fact that the FCC had not yet been created; however, the scene was quickly removed due to complaints from religious groups and mad mothers.
Note the small breast size of Underwater Jane as compared to the more buxom Landlubber Jane. That's because Maureen O'Sullivan did not perform in this particular scene. Instead, Olympic swimmer Josephine McKim was used as a double for Miss O'Sullivan. The decision was not made because of any modesty issues. The skimpy costume Maureen wears throughout the film proves that she wasn't shy about showing her body. It was simply agreed that the grace of a professional swimmer would be more pleasing for the audience.
Maureen's revealing jungle costume in Tarzan and His Mate was another thing that drew complaints from the bluenoses; therefore, in all future Tarzan films, Jane's body was to be significantly more covered up.
Thanks to Ted Turner for putting this classic scene back into the classic film where it belongs.
Isabelle Joschke
Mini Transat Azores Race 2008
My painting..reproduction of Tamara de Lempicka
1° posto nel contest 34 "photo of a painting"..gruppo Breathtaking.
1° place in contest 34th "photo of a painting"..gruppo Breathtaking.
Oil on canvas. I love Tamara de Lempicka..more soft and sweet features..eyes live..look..reflect the soul.
Olio su tela. Tamara de Lempicka è un'artista che adoro..i lineamenti sono morbidi e dolci..gli occhi vivono, guardano..rispecchiano l'anima.
Gözleri Deniz Kokan Yarim
Still life, with cello
I was too lazy to put it away properly
Dohnanyi trio
Kelly, Shannon, and Ivo
Vedeva solo il Mare
Vedeva solo il Mare
Dalla sua cella lui vedeva solo il mare
ed una casa bianca in mezzo al blu
una donna si affacciava Maria
e il mare che le dava lui.
Alla mattina lei apriva la finestra
e lui pensava quella e' casa mia
tu sarai la mia compagna, Maria
una speranza e una follia.
E sogno' la liberta'
e sogno' di andare via
e un anello vide gia'
sulla mano di Maria.
Lunghi silenzi come sono lunghi gli anni
parole dolci che si immagino'
questa sera vengo fuori Maria
ti vengo a fare compagnia
E gli anni stan passando
tutti gli anni insieme
ha gia' i capelli bianchi e non lo sa
dice sempre manca poco Maria
vedrai che bella la citta'.
E sogno' la liberta'
e sogno' di andare via
e un anello vide gia'
sulla mano di Maria.
E gli anni son passati tutti gli anni insieme
ed i suoi occhi ormai non vedon piu'
disse ancora la mia donna sei tu
e poi fu solo in mezzo al blu....
vengo da te Maria....
[La casa in riva al mare-Lucio Dalla]
Abstracto na visão de um céu profundo.
Nem um nem outro me serve, nem aquele
Destino que se insinua
Com voz semelhante à minha.
O melhor mundo
Está por descobrir.
Não sequer a lua
Nem o perfil da proa.
Vai direito
Ao vago, incerto, misterioso
Bater das velas sinalado de oculto.
Quero-me mais dentro de mim, mais desumano
Em comunhão suprema, surto e alado
Nas aragens nocturnas que desdobram as vagas,
Chamam dorsos de peixe à tona de água
E precipitam asas na esteira de luz.
Da vida nada senão a melhoria
De um paraíso sonhado e procurado
Com ternura, coragem e espírito sereno.
Doçura luminosa de um olhar. Ameno
Brincar de almas verticais em pleno
Sol de alvorada que descerra as pálpebras.
Always room for Cello
There's this one artist who always paints sexy ladies doing things. This one he did featuring a woman playing the cello. It looked really nice in the frame.
Curve and Curve
I started selling some of my artwork to support my photography at: seventhmedium.imagekind.com/
I am planning to buy some lighting and a new Nikon D700 camera. So your contribution is much appreciated.
Dipteyim Sondayım Depresyondayım
Bırak, git. Gitme! Dikkatle seviyorum.
他回答 是 怎麼樣
我說 沒事 只想確定你在
我也是 不常
Soundwave>Series ((3)): AudioBus: Zoe Keating
July 18, 2008. Bus Station: de Young Museum, San Francisco. Tour Route: Golden Gate Park, Ocean Beach.
Live Electro Avant-Cello One-Woman Orchestra on a Bus